Work in Progress

LEGO encourages new ideas, improves communication and speeds up problem-solving processes

We like to apply LEGO in strategy, change and innovation processes. And we meet great enthusiasm with it! LEGO is suitable for working with large groups, teams as well as with individuals.


From neuropsychological studies, we know that thought processes in combination with physical activity and sensation, and especially with the hands, lead to a deeper and much more sustainable understanding. In a playful way, the LEGO method encourages new ideas, improves communication and speeds up problem-solving processes.

How does that work in practice?

A Lego workshop with 120 people from a sales unit had two main objectives:

  1. communicate the pillars of the new sales strategy and
  2. work out the individual contributions of each employee to its implementation.

PUETTGEN Consulting designed and facilitated a large group workshop consisting of following five phases:

  • Phase 1: All 120 participants were sitting in groups of ten at round tables, making first contact with the method LEGO. Each participant had the task to construct a model out of 10 pieces, quickly and intuitively. Curiosity, creativity and the joy of experimentation had playfully been (re-)activated this way.
  • Phase 2: These first models were presented and discussed at each table. Different levels of intention, perception and interpretation could be reflected, playfully.
  • Phase 3: Inspired by some strategic questions, each table built one model that symbolized the successful implementation of one specific strategy pillar.
  • Phase 4: Looking back from a positve future, the tables discussed together: What have been the key success factors in implementing the strategy successfully? What hurdles have been met on the way? How have those hurdles been tackled? What has been our / my individual contribution?
  • Phase 5: Then, all results have presented and discussed in a plenary session. Key question: What turns out to be our common themes? Together, the next steps were decided and planned.

With the LEGO method, topics cannot only be visualized. By building metaphorical models, they literally become „tangible“.